Kansans for Sue Boldra would like to congratulate our governor, Kathleen Sebelius, in her nomination to serve in President Obama's cabinet as Secretary of Health and Human Services.
We are thrilled that a woman will be joining Hillary R. Clinton in one of the highest federal positions in our nation.
Gov. Sebelius has a record of strongly supporting a woman's right to choose and standing up to fellow Catholics who question her faith because of her support of a sacred Constitutional right.
We believe Sue Boldra is the next Kathleen Sebelius who will make women proud in Kansas and ultimately become a national political player.
Unlike Sebelius, who puts principle before nutsy religion, Sue Boldra's opponents will instead use their "faith" to promote their political agenda.
Already, Rob "Wassy" Wasinger has gained endorsements from anti-choice religious zealots such as Frank Pavone, who is a popular priest within the anti-choice movement, and Mr. Bobby Schindler, brother of Terri Schiavo who fought the right of Terri's husband to make health-care decisions for his wife. The Kansas01 blog is also reporting that Wassy has earned the endorsement of David Barton, who boasts as "one of the most 25 influential Evangelicals in the country." Ugh. Wasinger also has 9 children, which is a bit much if you ask me.
Tim Huelskamp has also thrown himself to the religious right, receiving the endorsement of "Concerned Women of America." Incidentially, the so-called "women's organization" is apparently ran by a man, as their press release urges people to contact a certain "Mike Mears" for more information. Hmmm.... guess they couldn't find any more concerned women. It doesn't end there, as he has also gained the support of Mike YUCKabee, who after discovering he could lose weight to make millions used a subliminal cross in a campaign ad to appeal to religious nuts in Iowa.
Tim Barker has made no appeals nor has received any endorsements from the religious right... but then again, I am not sure he has found any support past his immediate family, who filled his campaign coffers after he realized that federal campaigns can't accept corporate contributions.
If you want someone who will make both center-left Republicans and Democrats proud in the mold of Kathleen Sebelius, join us in supporting Sue Boldra in a potential bid for Congress.
Nine children "a bit much"? Classic. That's actually one of the things I like about Wassy!
Too bad we don't have more pro-infanticide candidates like Boldra/Sebelius/Clinton. They could kill off all the excess children. Way to go Boldra. You and Tiller can hook up, since you obviously have no moral conscience.
This is a fake blog, Dan. You're a newspaper man, why didn't you call this woman before you started commenting?
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