After the barrage of emails and comments this morning, I had to ask myself, "Who Am I?" much like Derek did as he looked at a reflection of himself in a puddle in the movie "Zoolander", you know, the guy who started the "Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too."
On a more serious note, I am a former student of Sue Boldra's who supports her bid for Congress. The views that Sue holds and the views I am promoting on this site are views that Sue Boldra gave as a professor and helped shape my political views.
This site is humorous because I believe that politics are far too often too stuffy, and if we want to appeal to a younger generation of voters we have to make it somewhat entertaining. By making this site entertaining, it is my hope that more young people will take interest in politics and especailly Sue's run for Congress.
Furthermore, it is important that the Republican Party returns to its roots, and Sue Boldra, I believe, is the person who can help lead the charge by returning to a key principle of the Republican Party which I believe reasonates most to your average Kansas voter: limited government.
Give everyone the ability to live their lives the way they want.
Give women control over their bodies. Kansas has become a hot spot in the battle over abortion, and by the 1st District electing Sue Boldra, we will prove that even rural Kansans can agree on such a controversial issue. She can become a voice on this key issue to women across Kansas.
Give people the right to marry the person they love. This issue especially resonates with young people who have grown up in broken homes of heterosexual couples and are now discovering what real love is -- and that it isn't necessarily between straights.
I guess I would best describe myself as a libertarian, and I think that is the best way to describe Sue Boldra given the views she shared in class. I remember going through her class not really knowing where she stood politically... in fact, most of us thought she was a liberal. I think that is a really good quality in a candidate, to not really know exactly where they stand. It shows confidence as a free thinker.
The two Tims, Barker and Huelskamp, and Wassyinger, are not free-thinkers, they are simply opportunists who are going to tell voters what they think they want to hear.
So that's who I am. Who are you anonymous commenters?
You didn't spell her name correctly twice in that post, you tool.
Why so serious
I had Sue in class too. I guess she is a liberal-liberation as you describe. I never knew she wanted to run for office. Do you think she can win?
I guess if no Democratic opposition is running she could get their votes if she can get them to register Republican before the voting begins. What day is the vote?
Again, this blog is fake a a three dollar bill. If you want to know anything about where Boldra stands, visit her campaign web site.
Her web site is no more than a web page with a letter. Not much of interest there.
Exactly. She does not put where she stands on her website, all we know from the article today is that she believes in Roe v. Wade and probably wouldn't have a problem with gay marriage.
This, kids, is why Republicans shouldn't have ever been allowed to find the Internet.
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